To all visitors: Kalvos & Damian is now a historical site reflecting nonpop
from 1995-2005. No updates have been made since a special program in 2015.
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 MaltedMedia |
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 Northfield Savings Bank |
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Special Thanks
Michael Arnowitt
Eric Boyer
Barbara Buckley
Samuel Claiborne
Peter Clark
Gloria DeSousa
Gabrielle Dietzel
Matthew Fields
Tom Heasley
Henrietta Jordan
Allen Lendway
John Levin
Roy Levin
Pamela Massey
Charlie Morrow
Lynne Newcomb
Hunter Ochs
Susan Reid
Kathy Saunders
Claude Stone
Sandy Valentine
Telas Whitfield
Kalvos & Damian Ought-One Festival
August 25-26, 2001
Kalvos & Damian brings together composers and composer-performers who have been guests on Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar, the Deems Taylor Award-winning new music show produced at and heard weekly on WGDR-FM and at on the Internet.
The Ought-One Festival takes place on Saturday and Sunday, August 25-26, 2001, in downtown Montpelier, Vermont, America's smallest state capital.
Please note that this schedule (times below) is close to final. Specific pieces may still change, though. Composers who will be at the Festival for questioning, praise, gifts, critiques, etc., are marked *
Saturday 12:00
Combined Concert #1 (Bethany)
- *Douglas Geers: Enkidu, for violin and processing (Maja Cerar, violin) (10')
- *Douglas Geers: Turnstile for violin and processing (Maja Cerar, violin) (6')
- *Elaine Thomazi Freitas: a falta que ele me faz... berimbau/elec. (Gregory Beyer, berimbau)
- *Elaine Thomazi Freitas: Reflect for live elec./interactive dance (Christina Towle, dancer/chor.)
*Joseph Benzola with Ritual in Four Parts (Trinity)
- Improvisation I: Electronic drone; guitar; xylophone, bells, metallic percussion, whistles, bamboo flute, laptop processing; open space and meditative; guitar plays long tones/drones against electronic drone, tuned to it or opposed; rhythm instruments play timbre-oriented rather than a pattern/closed rhythmic base.
- Improvisation II: Tuned bells/tabla; mrimba/balafon; two drumsets, one played with mallets, the other played with sticks; guitar; rhythmic material feeds guitar material; marimba/balafon changes to set with sticks; tabla/tuned bells changes to set with mallets.
- Improvisation III: DrumKat plays Nord lead through ring modulator-pattern oriented rhythm; drumset plays free, aggressive, drone like rhythms; guitar solos through dense rhythmic configuration; shenai/drum duet; guitarist switches to percussion (little instruments) switching instruments at will; short drum/percussion interlude.
- Improvisation IV: Piano; drums/percussion; guitar
*John Levin and the Ill Wind Ensemble (Christ)
- Music for Home-Made Instruments
Saturday 1:00
*Loons in the Monastery (Trinity)
- Loons: Donald Gets Off. Synthesizers, distortion and delay-processed percussion/whistles/vocals. If only Disney knew of Donald's secret pleasures...
- Loons: Dissonance is Gliss. Synthesizers, delay-processed viola. Delay effects produce, in effect, a viola with an incredibly long and flange-y release envelope. This, coupled with odd playing techniques (behind the bridge etc.) produce an other-worldly keening effect. Synthesist creates a neo-romantic wind and string foundation.
- Loons: Martian Pedophile. Synthesizers, ring-modulated and delay processed viola. Viola is molested while synthesist channels Kurt Weil by way of Timothy Leary.
- Loons: Raised By Jackals. Synthesizers, delay-processed whistles/vocals. A penny whistle with a shakuhachi complex competes for your affections with synthetic jackals and a mutant Gamelan orchestra.
- Loons: I-Spy. Synthesizers, delay-processed guitar/vocals. Our most accessible piece ever! Yes, even yer grandma can probably stand this one... at least for awhile. Like New Age, but with more ammonia!
- Loons: Partched. Synthesizers, ring-modulated guitar, delay-processed whistles. When we play this, Harry Partch spins in his grave like a bloody turbine, a new potential source of alternative energy that we are proposing to Dick Cheney.
- Loons: Archangel. Synthesizers, delay looped guitar. While guitar explores superimposed modal figures, synthesist plays a muted cello score.
- Loons: Wired. Synthesizers, delay processed guitar. Guitar is played using a slide edge in the right hand to rub the strings and normal left-hand fretting. This produces long violin-like tones without the normal percussive guitar attack. The use of the slide also effectively creates a new bridge, which alters the scale length and hence the tuning of the guitar and creates a microtonal environment. Synthesist attempts to make you nervous.
Saturday 1:15
James Bohn (Christ)
- Paul Rudy: Degrees of Separation - Grandchild of Tree
- *Stephen Michael Gryc: Acoustic Aquariaum (with Brian Johnson)
- *James Bohn: Sonatas 1-3
- David Bohn: Evocation 4
- John Cage: Suite for Toy Piano
- *James Bohn: Dancing on Eggshells
- David Bohn: Nine Grand Meditations
- *James Bohn: Percussion-toy piano duets (with Joseph Benzola)
Saturday 1:30
Ensemble WireWorks (Bethany)
- Jonathan Harvey: Tombeau de Messiaen (1994) for piano and tape
- Manfred Stahnke: Malaita (1989) for prepared piano and real-time recording system
- Steven Clark: Song and a Prayer (2000) for piano and interactive electronics.
- *Georg Hajdu: Fingerprints (2001) for piano
- Annea Lockwood: Ear-Walking Woman (1996) for amplified prepared piano
- Chris Brown: Sparks (1976, rev. 1996) for keyboard and inteactive electronics
- Dieter Schnebel: Zwei Studien: I. Raum, II. Zeit (1988) for piano and live-electronics
Saturday 2:00
Logos Duo (Trinity)
- *Godfried-Willem Raes: Songbook, a music theatre piece in which the voice is modulated by the movement of the performers, performed by Logos Duo
- *Moniek Darge: Turning Wheel, a soundscape composition, performed solo (voice & violin)
- Logos Duo: Interactional Improvisation, by Logos Duo (clarinet, voice, violin)
Saturday 2:30
Brenda Hutchinson (Christ)
- *Brenda Hutchinson: Go Through Walls and Stuff Like That and other pieces: Short demo; improvisation with live sampling; piece with live sampling and playback of additional pre-recorded sounds.
Saturday 3:00
Brian Johnson (Bethany)
- *Joseph Celli: Eight Mallets Four Brian
- *Steve Gryc: Two Portraits for Bass Drum, 9 Hands (with other percussionists)
- *Gregg Wager: Earbells (with Rina Okubo)
- *Eric Lyon: Slumber Party Massacre for piano and four percussionists (with other percussionists)
- *Brian Johnson: For Very, Very Amplified Vibes and Voice
Saturday 3:15
Combined Concert #4 (Trinity)
- *Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: RatGeyser for MalletKat and playback (Michael Manion)
- *Michael Manion: Music for Electronic Percussion (Michael Manion)
- *Jon Appleton: QUIFF, an electroacoustic work
- *Keith Moore: hiatus pitch for alto saxophone. (Taimur Sullivan)
- *Keith Moore: black box for alto saxophone. (Taimur Sullivan)
Saturday 3:30
*Joseph Celli and *Jin Hi Kim (Bethany)
- Compositions for double reeds and komungo, electric komungo, and changgo.
Saturday 4:00
Ensemble VCX (Bethany)
- *Alex Abele: Distillation for solo clarinet
- *Canary Burton: The Promise for voice and piano
- *Mary Jane Leach: Lake Eden for six parts in open instrumentation
- *Robert D. Polansky: Five Midrashim for piano solo
- *Thomas L. Read: Through the White Door for violin, cello, clarinet, and piano
Saturday 4:45
PoJo Guitar Duo - Larry Polansky and Kimo Johnson (Christ)
- Ron Nagorcka: Prelude for solo mandolin
- *Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: HighBirds (Prime) for guitar and playback
- *Larry Polansky: ii-v-i for two guitars
- *Kimo Johnson: shape up, shape down for two guitars
Saturday 6:00
Dinner Break -- Dream Room and Installations Continue!
Saturday 7:15
Margaret Lancaster (Bethany)
- *Paul Steenhuisen: pomme de terre for piccolo (1')
- Karlheinz Stockhausen: Zungenspitzentanz for piccolo (10')
- Kaija Saariaho: Noa Noa for flute and electronics (8')
- *Paul Steenhuisen: cette obscure clarte qui tombe des étoiles for flute and tape (4')
- *Larry Polansky: Piker for piccolo and drone (8') (with Larry Polansky)
- *Paul Steenhuisen: Poland is not yet lost for tape (1')
- *Jon Appleton: Stop Time for tap-dancing flutist (8')
- Paul Reller: In Praise of Buddy Hackett for flute and tape (13')
- Rob Constable: Onc-e-athon for flute and tape (15')
- *Eric Lyon: Once-a-thon 2: The Kiss of Constablefor flute, tape, and live-processed electronics (10') (with Eric Lyon)
- Technical assistance and background music by *Eric Lyon
Saturday 7:30
Beth Griffith (Trinity)
- *John McGuire: A Cappella, for voice and tape
- Mauricio Kagel: Phonophonie
Saturday 8:45
Drew Krause (Bethany)
- *Drew Krause: Spoke Variations
- Stuart Saunders Smith: Fences
Saturday 9:00
Phil Kline (Trinity)
- Phil Kline: Meditations in an Emergency
Saturday after the concerts
Composer Jam Session, Location TBA
Sunday 12:00
Martín Alejandro Fumarola Lecture/Demonstration (Trinity)
- *Martín Alejandro Fumarola: Latin-American Electronic/Computer Music
- Ricardo Dal Farra (Argentina): On The Liquid Edge (Pre/post-concert soundscape)
- Coriun Aharonian (Uruguay): Homenaje a la flecha clavada en el pecho de Don Juan Diaz de Solis
- Adina Izarra (Venezuela): Vojm
- Carlos Vazquez (Puerto Rico): El encanto de la noche tropical I - El Yunque
- Mart&iacaute;n Fumarola (Argentina): Estatismo
- Francesca Ancarola (Chile): Arena
- Lucio Cuellar (Colombia/USA): Metamorfosis II multimedia piece for video and tape
Combined Concert #3 (Unitarian)
- *Mary Jane Leach: 4BC for four bass clarinets (Klimowski, Lowenstern, Stewart, Oakes, bass clarinets)
- *Peggy Madden: Echoes of the MistWalker for bass clarinet and playback (Steve Klimowski, bass clarinet)
- *Mary Lou Newmark: Prayer & Meditation, violin and electronics (Mary Lou Newmark, violin)
- *Mary Lou Newmark: 3 on the Green, violin and electronics (Mary Lou Newmark, violin)
- *Jean Piché: A Cervantès, for saxophone and real-time computer processing (Yves Charuest, saxophone)
Odd Appetite (Bethany)
- Stefan Poetzsch: Ebene for cello, percussion improvisation with tape
- Daniel Almada: Lide for vibraphone and tape
- *Eric Lyon: Is that a nuke in your silo or are you just glad to see me? for acoustic duo
- Kaija Saariaho: Près for cello and computer
- *Eric Lyon: The New Improved Truth
- Ken Ueno: Contemplation on Little Big Muff for amplified cello and percussion
Sunday 1:15
*Beth Anderson (Unitarian)
- Beth Anderson: If I Were a Poet
- Beth Anderson: Yes Sir Ree
- Beth Anderson: The People Rumble Louder
- Beth Anderson: I can't stand it
- Beth Anderson: Country Time
- Beth Anderson: Ocean Motion Mildew Mind
Combined Concert #2 (Bethany)
- *Beth Anderson: March Swale, for string quartet
- *Robert D. Polansky: Imitations, for four violins
- *Robert D. Polansky: Fantasie-Improvisation, for violin duet
- *Greg Hall: Fugue and For Graham Fitkin, for piano (Greg Hall, piano)
- *William Harris: Improvisations for piano (William Harris, piano)
- *Louis Moyse: Introduction, Theme, and Variations for flute and piano (Karen Kevra, flute)
Sunday 1:45
*Elodie Lauten (Trinity)
- Tronic Involutions (complete)
Sunday 2:00
*Michael Lowenstern (Unitarian)
- Michael Lowenstern: 1985
- Michael Lowenstern: King Friday
- Michael Lowenstern: Pushing Up Daisies
- Michael Lowenstern: At The Refrain
- Michael Lowenstern: Day In, with electric clothing
- Michael Lowenstern: Spasm
- Michael Lowenstern: But Would She Remember You?
- George Gershwin: Summertime
Sunday 2:45
Uh Maybe (Bethany)
- *Gary Barwin: Martin's Idea (Ensemble Uh Maybe)
- *Gary Barwin: Gluegun (Gary Barwin)
- *Gary Barwin: Fantaphasia (Ensemble Uh Maybe)
- *John Kameel Farah: Solo (John Kameel Farah)
Sunday 3:00
Combined Concert #5 (Trinity)
- *David Cleary: Bilbies for flute (Karen Kevra, flute)
- *David Cleary: Piece for flute (Karen Kevra, flute)
- *Johnny Reinhard: Dune, Zanzibar and Eye of Newt, for bassoon/recorder
- John Cage: Radio Music, performed by James Bohn
- *Daniel Goode: Phrases of the Hermit Thrush, performed by Daniel Goode
- *Daniel Goode: Jamie's Thrush, performed by Daniel Goode
- *Elma Miller: Lend me your Kannel, aged one .... for voice and kannel (Elma Miller, voice and kannel)
- *Matthew Fields: Rooster's Court Ball (Jackie Martelle, flute)
Sunday 3:15
*Martha Mooke (Unitarian)
- Compositions for electric viola TBA
Sunday 3:45
O1 Composers Interactive Ensemble (Bethany)
- Improvisation in the 21st Century Mode
Sunday 4:30
Combined Concert #6 (Unitarian)
- *Patrick Grant: Pat. Pending, a new work for synthesizer
- *Robert Duckworth: Computer Noise Improvisations (20')
- *Bill Gilliam: New Music Improvisation (20')
*Nurit Tilles (Bethany)
- Maurice Ravel: Menuet sur le nom de Haydn (1909)
- Alexandre Tansman: Hommage à Ravel (1937)
- Arthur Honegger: Hommage à Ravel (1915)
- Robert Helps: Hommage à Ravel (1975)
- Tom Pierson: Piano Sonata (1985)
- *Nurit Tilles: The Kitchen Table (1995)
- *Nurit Tilles: Raw Silk (A Rag) (1994)
- Paul Paccione: Stations - To Morton Feldman (1987)
- Charles Ives: Three movements from Sonata No.1 (1910)
Sunday 6:00
Dinner Break -- Dream Room and Installations Continue!
Sunday 7:00
Manfred Clynes Lecture/Demonstration (Bethany)
- Manfred Clynes: Composing and Decomposing: Is Composing Natural?
Sunday 7:15
Tom Heasley (Trinity)
- Tom Heasley: Montpelier Meditations (2001) (world premiere)
Sunday 7:30
Eve Beglarian (Unitarian)
- *Eve Beglarian and *Phil Kline: Songs from the Bilitis Project (Eve Beglarian, Phil Kline, Margaret Lancaster, Eleanor Sandresky)
- *Eve Beglarian: Songs from the Book of Days (Eve Beglarian solo)
Sunday 8:15
Michael Arnowitt (Bethany)
- Gyorgy Ligeti: Four Etudes from Book I and Book II (20')
- Book I, number 2 - Cordes vides (Open Strings)
- Book I, number 3 - Touches bloquées (Blocked Keys)
- Book I, number 4 - Fanfares
- Book I, number 5 - Arc-en-ciel (Rainbow)
- Book II, number 10 - Der Zauberlehrling (The Sorceror’s Apprentice)
- Frederic Rzewski: Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues (10')
- *Erik Nielsen: Quicksilver, a solo piano premiere (11')
- Frank Zappa: The Girl in the Magnesium Dress (5')
- *Clarence Barlow: "..or a cherish'd bard..." (1999) piano solo (12')
Sunday 8:30
Kyle Gann (Trinity)
- *Kyle Gann: Custer and Sitting Bull, microtonal one-person opera
Sunday 9:00
*Eleanor Sandresky (Unitarian)
- *Eleanor Sandresky: A Sleeper's Notebook, for choreographic piano
Sunday 9:30
NonSequitur (Bethany)
- Iannis Xenakis: Plekto (1993) for sextet
- *Clarence Barlow: Otodeblu (1990) for flute trio (with Karen Kevra, Margaret Lancaster)
- *Clarence Barlow: Estudio Siete (1995) for flute trio, optional video (with Karen Kevra, Margaret Lancaster)
- *Eric Lyon: New World Sonatina (2001, with a new 2nd movement) for sextet
- Thierry de Mey: Musique de Tables (1987)
- *Clarence Barlow: Le Cixeau du Tom Johnson (world premiere) for flute, cello, and piano
- *Ned McGowan: Tusk (2001)
- Charles Mingus: Ah Um arrangement
Sunday after the concerts
Composer Jam Session, Location TBA
Both Days
Installations/Playback (Dream Room, Bethany Chapel)
- *Larry Austin: Williams [re]Mix[ed], for octophonic computer music system
- *Joseph Benzola: Boll Weevil (7') and Kurt & Jaco are Dancing in Heaven (7'), for two-channel playback
- Karlheinz Essl: fLOW, interactive computer/web composition
- *Douglas Geers: Ripples (8'), Atomic Tango (6'), and Soft and Sky Melting (12') for video playback.
- *Jeff Harrington: Espace des cloches, for two-channel playback
- David Jaffe: American Miniatures (1992) for computer-processed voices, strings and drums: Roads West, After the Battle of Bull Run, The Dust Bowl, Gold and Neighborhoods
- *Peggy Madden: Blaming Marshmallows, for two-channel playback
- Randall Neal: Global Plantation, for video playback
- N.N. und Ahnliche Elemente: Holiday Cottages - The Boys Jenja and Yannic - Scientific Reports - A Bunch of Keys - The Young Lady in a Bergmann - And Brazen Lies - Go Round (Dizzy Turn Rhapsody) by Erika Jürgens
- Maggi Payne: Apparent Horizon, video/electroacoustic composition
- *Sarah Peebles: where the wild things went, for multichannel playback
- *Sarah Peebles: 108:Walking through Tokyo at the turn of the century, for multichannel playback
- *Jean Piché: EDEN, a video-music work
- *Anna Rubin and *Laurie Hollander: Family Stories, for playback and stage setting
- *Richard Zvonar: Frikkit, for octophonic playback system
- Winamp visualizations by *Jeff Harrington
- *Tom Hamilton: Off-Hour Wait State, an installation (separate room TBA) (with Peter Zummo)
- *Dennis Darrah: The Looping Music Chill-Out Room, an installation (separate room TBA)
Broadcast Event
- *Dennis Darrah: Looping Music, a Sunday morning radio show
Documentation & Post-Festival Creations
- Festival Video recorded and re-created by Sue Doherty
- Festival Emcee is Nicholas "Spike" Maggio
The Ought-One Festival is produced by Kalvos & Damian and its own sponsoring organizations (the Onion River Arts Council, the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, the Consortium of Vermont Composers, and Malted/Media). The Festival is generously hosted by the churches of Montpelier, Vermont. Coordination of grants, activities, and funding is being done in several cities. The key organizer in New York City, and a driving force behind The Ought-One Festival, is composer Phil Kline. The Festival is ultimately made possible by the composers and performers themselves.
Kalvos & Damian has allocated part of its program fund (including a portion of the Argosy Foundation gift) to The Ought-One Festival, has sponsorship from the Consortium of Vermont Composers program fund, and is raising private sponsorship, including its underwriters.
As with all Kalvos & Damian events, planning is 'virtual' -- that is, information is available on the Web and via email ( The Ought-One Festival requests contributions to make possible this significant event. Please click the PayPal icon above or click this link to PayPal, or contact Kalvos & Damian.
Tentative Schedule
The schedule below is pretty much final.
- The presentations have been juxtaposed to let the audience (public and other composers) experience a wide range of creation & performance styles. Start times have been staggered during the day, and the Dream Room material has been sequenced for a general stylistic sense, convenience of presentation, and opportunity for it to be heard at several times over two days.
- There are 15-minute transition times into the schedule. Keep in mind that sound checks are Friday night and Saturday and Sunday morning, and won't be very leisurely.
- There are additional open panel discussion spaces throughout the churches, if anyone wants to gather and talk.
- There will be a Festival Store. It will have O1 Fest goods (T-shirts, mugs, the usual) as well as any material that you are offering (CDs, scores, etc.). You may bring anything to sell; please have it priced and with a description sheet where we can identify what was sold.
Trinity |
Unitarian |
Christ |
Bethany |
DreamRoom |
12:00 |
Benzola |
Ill Wind |
Combi #1 |
Harrington |
12:15 |
Benzola |
Ill Wind |
Combi #1 |
Payne |
12:30 |
Benzola |
Ill Wind |
Combi #1 |
Peebles |
12:45 |
////////// |
Ill Wind |
Combi #1 |
Peebles |
1:00 |
Loons |
////////// |
Combi #1 |
Austin |
1:15 |
Loons |
Bohn |
////////// |
Austin |
1:30 |
Loons |
Bohn |
Wireworks |
Zvonar |
1:45 |
////////// |
Bohn |
Wireworks |
Neal |
2:00 |
Logos |
Bohn |
Wireworks |
Neal |
2:15 |
Logos |
////////// |
Wireworks |
Repetto |
2:30 |
Logos |
Hutchinson |
Wireworks |
Madden |
2:45 |
Logos |
Hutchinson |
////////// |
Jaffe |
3:00 |
////////// |
Hutchinson |
Johnson |
Jaffe |
3:15 |
Combi #4 |
////////// |
Johnson |
Rubin |
3:30 |
Combi #4 |
Celli-JHK |
Johnson |
Rubin |
3:45 |
Combi #4 |
Celli-JHK |
////////// |
N.N. |
4:00 |
Combi #4 |
Celli-JHK |
N.N. |
4:15 |
////////// |
Celli-JHK |
Piché |
4:30 |
////////// |
Payne |
4:45 |
PoJo Duo |
Peebles |
5:00 |
PoJo Duo |
Peebles |
5:30 |
PoJo Duo |
Austin |
5:45 |
PoJo Duo |
Austin |
6:00 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Harrington |
6:15 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Payne |
6:30 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Geers |
6:45 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Geers |
7:00 |
////////// |
////////// |
Austin |
7:15 |
////////// |
Lancaster |
Austin |
7:30 |
Griffith |
Lancaster |
Zvonar |
7:45 |
Griffith |
Lancaster |
Neal |
8:00 |
Griffith |
Lancaster |
Neal |
8:15 |
Griffith |
Lancaster |
Repetto |
8:30 |
Griffith |
////////// |
Madden |
8:45 |
////////// |
Krause |
Jaffe |
9:00 |
Kline |
Krause |
Jaffe |
9:15 |
Kline |
Krause |
Rubin |
9:30 |
Kline |
Krause |
Rubin |
9:45 |
Kline |
Krause |
N.N. |
10:00 |
////////// |
////////// |
N.N. |
10:15 |
Benzola |
10:30 |
Peebles |
10:45 |
Peebles |
11:00 |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
Harrington |
City Center: Festival store with Frog Peak. Places to snack.
Separate: Hamilton installation in separate space both days. Look for it.
Montpelier HS: Governor welcome at VYO concert (tentative).
Bethany: All except Combi #1 and Lancaster are in sanctuary.
Trinity |
Unitarian |
Christ |
Bethany |
DreamRoom |
12:00 |
Fumarola |
Combi #3 |
Odd Appetite |
Harrington |
12:15 |
Fumarola |
Combi #3 |
Odd Appetite |
Zvonar |
12:30 |
Fumarola |
Combi #3 |
Odd Appetite |
Neal |
12:45 |
Fumarola |
Combi #3 |
Odd Appetite |
Neal |
1:00 |
Fumarola |
////////// |
////////// |
Repetto |
1:15 |
Fumarola |
Anderson |
Combi #2 |
Madden |
1:30 |
////////// |
Anderson |
Combi #2 |
Jaffe |
1:45 |
Lauten |
////////// |
Combi #2 |
Jaffe |
2:00 |
Lauten |
Lowenstern |
Combi #2 |
Rubin |
2:15 |
Lauten |
Lowenstern |
Combi #2 |
Rubin |
2:30 |
Lauten |
Lowenstern |
////////// |
N.N. |
2:45 |
////////// |
Lowenstern |
Uh Maybe |
N.N. |
3:00 |
Combi #5 |
////////// |
Uh Maybe |
Benzola |
3:15 |
Combi #5 |
Mooke |
Uh Maybe |
Harrington |
3:30 |
Combi #5 |
Mooke |
////////// |
Payne |
3:45 |
Combi #5 |
Mooke |
Peebles |
4:00 |
Combi #5 |
Mooke |
Peebles |
4:15 |
Combi #5 |
////////// |
Austin |
4:30 |
////////// |
Combi #6 |
////////// |
Austin |
4:45 |
Combi #6 |
Tilles |
Zvonar |
5:00 |
Combi #6 |
Tilles |
Neal |
5:15 |
Combi #6 |
Tilles |
Neal |
5:30 |
Combi #6 |
Tilles |
Neal |
5:45 |
Combi #6 |
Tilles |
Repetto |
6:00 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Madden |
6:15 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Jaffe |
6:30 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Jaffe |
6:45 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Rubin |
7:00 |
////////// |
////////// |
M Clynes |
Rubin |
7:15 |
Heasley |
////////// |
M Clynes |
Geers |
7:30 |
Heasley |
Beglarian |
M Clynes |
Geers |
7:45 |
Heasley |
Beglarian |
M Clynes |
Piché |
8:00 |
Heasley |
Beglarian |
////////// |
Harrington |
8:15 |
////////// |
Beglarian |
Arnowitt |
Payne |
8:30 |
Gann |
Beglarian |
Arnowitt |
Peebles |
8:45 |
Gann |
////////// |
Arnowitt |
Peebles |
9:00 |
Gann |
Sandresky |
Arnowitt |
Austin |
9:15 |
Gann |
Sandresky |
////////// |
Austin |
9:30 |
Sandresky |
Non Sequitur |
Zvonar |
9:45 |
////////// |
Non Sequitur |
Neal |
10:00 |
Non Sequitur |
Neal |
10:15 |
Non Sequitur |
Repetto |
10:30 |
Non Sequitur |
Madden |
10:45 |
Non Sequitur |
N.N. |
11:00 |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
Jam TBA |
N.N. |
City Center: Festival store with Frog Peak. Places to snack.
Separate: Darrah installation in own room both days.