Composer Profiles
Fred Szymanski
Fred Szymanski
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Fred Szymanski
for RealAudio comments by the composer, 3:37.
for MP3 streaming version of Laminar: Shed 2, 5:45
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Fred Szymanski is a sound and image artist who lives and works in New York City. His works have also been performed at many festivals including SonicLIGHT 2003 (Amsterdam) and the 2000 ICMC (Berlin). Group shows that have featured his sound and image work include the Abstraction Now exhibition (Vienna) and BitStreams at the Whitney Museum of American Art. He has composed audio works for CD with releases by Asphodel Recordings, JDK Productions, and Soleilmoon Staalplaat. His piece FLUME was part of "An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music from 1952 to 2004" (Sub Rosa (Belgium)). His Cd NOZZLE was released by Asphodel in January 2004. The multimedia piece FLEXORS was selected at the 34th IMEB (Bourges, France). FRICTION STICKY ROUGH, an installation for multiple image projection and loudspeakers, was premiered at the Diapason Gallery (New York) and included in the show "What Sound Does a Color Make?" at the Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology (New York) in 2005.
- FLUME, part of compilation CD "An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music/Third A-chronology 1952-2004," Sub Rosa, Brussels, 2004
- NOZZLE (A Laminar Project), CD, Asphodel Recordings, San Francisco, January 2004
- MANIFOLD (A Laminar Project) CD, JDK Productions, Amsterdam, October 2003
- WHORL, homage to Iannis Xenakis's PERSEPOLIS, part of compilation CD, Remaster by Daniel Teruggi, INA-GRM, Curated by Zbigniew Karkowski, Produced by Naut Humon, Asphodel Recordings, San Francisco, June, 2002
- ANTE-CHAMBER (A Laminar Project), CD, Soleilmoon Recordings, Portland and Staalplaat, Amsterdam, 1999
- IT IS HARD TO KNOW, part of compilation CD "A Storm of Drones," third CD of "The Sombient Trilogy," Asphodel Recordings, San Francisco, 1998
- ATTENDEZ, an audio journal of the streets of Paris, part of compilation CD "USA vs Europe," Strange Ways Records, Hamburg, 1997
Solo Exhibitions
- FRICTION STICKY ROUGH, sound and image installation for multiple video projection and loudspeakers, Curated by Michael J. Schumacher, Diapason Gallery, New York, October 2002
Group Exhibitions
- "What Sound Does a Color Make," exhibition organized by Independent Curators International (iCI), Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology, Curated by Kathleen Forde, New York, Spring 2005 -2007.
- "What Sound Does a Color Make," Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, November 4 - December 31, 2005
- "What Sound Does a Color Make," Center for Art and Visual Culture, University of Maryland, Baltimore, February 2 - March 18, 2006
- "What Sound Does a Color Make," Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth (New Zealand), May 20 - July 16, 2006
- Ninth annual "Activating the Medium" festival, presented by 23five in conjunction with The San Francisco Art Institute and San Francisco Cinematheque, San Francisco, February 10 - 12, 2006
- "Microprocesses," Island Film & Video Festival, London, March 2005
- Selection, 30e Concours International de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques de Bourges, Bourges (France), 2003 for FRICTION STICKY ROUGH (sound and image installation)
- "Abstraction Now," Kunstlerhaus-Kino, Vienna, August - September, 2003
- "9th Biennial of Moving Images," Curated by Stephen Vitiello, Centre pour L'image Contemporaine, Geneva, November 2001
- "Sonic Saboteurs," Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley (California), September 2001
- Valencia Biennial, VideoRom program, Valencia (Spain), June 12 - October 20, 2001
- "BitStreams," Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 22 - June 10, 2001
- "The American Century, Part II, 1950 - 2000," Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 2000
- "Dialogues '99," Mathew Gallery, Edinburgh, October 1999
- Musica Nova 2008, Final Protocol, Society for Electronic Music of Czech Republic, Finalist, Eskers 10:00, Prague, Czech Republic, November, 2008
- 34e Concours International de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques de Bourges, Bourges (France), 7e Multimedia, selectionne, for FLEXORS (multi-screen diffusion system) 23:00
- "Introducing Media Art," European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck (Germany), April 25 - 29, 2007
- "SightSonic 2005," York International Festival of Digital Arts, York (England), October 2005
- International Computer Music Association Festival, Barcelona, September 2005
- "Games People Play," Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archiive, Berkeley (California), February 2005
- Performance, International Computer Music Association Festival, Miami, September 2004
- "Take a Stroll," European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck (Germany), April 25 - 29, 2003
- "Immanence" program, Recontres Internationales Paris/Berlin #6, Paris, February 2003
- "SonicLIGHT 2003," Sonic Acts festival (9th ed.), Curated by Naut Humon and Edwin van der Heide, Paradiso, Amsterdam, February 21 - 23, 2003
- "Experimentell, Abstract, Poetisch," VideoEx 2001 Festival of Video and Experimental Film, Zurich, May 11 - 20, 2001
- "The Sounds of Vision," European Media Art Festival program, Osnabruck (Germany), April 25 - 29, 2001
- 33rd New York Exposition of Short Film and Video, Experimental Division, New York, December 1999 for PORTE DONNANT SUR LA VOIE( image and sound piece), Gold Medal
- "Vidarte," electroacoustic music concert with video, The Mexican National Council for Culture and the Arts, Mexico City , September 1999
- "Music without Walls? Music without Instruments," Music Technology and Innovation Research Group, De Montfort University, Leigh landy, Leicester (England), June 21 - 23, 2001
- International Computer Music Association Festival, Berlin, September 2000
- Electronic Media Foundation concert, Engine 27 /EMF, Kyma Concert, Curated by Carla Scaletti, New York, September 1999
- MANIFOLD, JDK Productions, Amsterdam, 2002.
- REMIX of Iannis Xenakis's PERSEPOLIS, part of compilation CD, Asphodel Recordings, 2002.
- ANTE-CHAMBER (by Laminar), Soleilmoon Recordings, Portland, and Staalplaat, Amsterdam, 1999.
- IT IS HARD TO KNOW, part of compilation CD "A Storm of Drones," the third CD of The Sombient Trilogy, Asphodel Recordings, San Francisco, 1998.
- ATTENDEZ, an audio journal of the streets of Paris, part of compilation CD "USA vs Europe," Strange Ways Records, Hamburg, 1997.
Laminar: Ante-Chamber
A Laminar Project
LAMINAR / ANTE - CHAMBER - Soleilmoon Recordings
Na okadce gigantyczne wysypisko mieci. Na horyzoncie las - natura. "Ante-chamber" to podr, ktra wymaga od suchacza przede wszystkim fantazji. Skonstruowana jest na zasadzie pocztwek przedstawiajcych szum, na ktrych, jeli si odpowiednio przypatrze, wida trjwymiarowe figury. Tu odpowiednio nastroi trzeba fantazj . "Ante - chamber to szum, przez ktry przedzieraj si trudne do okrelenia dwiki, ale wok ktrych atwo jest zbudowa sobie histori. Zwaszcza, gdy doczaj do nich odgosy zza okna, ciany, czy spoza suchawek na ulicy. Bo "Ante-chamber" to przejcie przez technologiczny szum- wysypisko mieci- ku lasowi , naturze, wiatu, ktry nas otacza. To prba wyowienia z chaosu tego, co pikne. Czy mieci mog by pikne? Mog, tylko trzeba umie to dostrzec. UWAGA! Niektrzy twierdz , e to nie jest muzyka. Aleksander Pawlak / XL
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