To all visitors: Kalvos & Damian is now a historical site reflecting nonpop
from 1995-2005. No updates have been made since a special program in 2015.
Kalvos & Damian Logo

Chronicle of the NonPop Revolution

September - October 2001

K&D Newsletter

General News

News for Guest Composers

General News

The September 11 Tragedy

We at Kalvos & Damian live in the serene hills of Vermont, far from the events that we watched with disbelief. We became artistically paralyzed. We lost significance. We searched for a way to speak, but as individual artists, could find none. So instead, we put out a call for music, and the results are found on The September 11 Musical Gallery. This gallery will stay up as long as K&D does, and will be added to as time goes by.


Why listen to Kalvos & Damian?

Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar is different music radio. K&D has taken on a task no one else has dared to do -- to present NonPop and its composers as a normal state of life's affairs, challenge and entertainment and funkiness and all: Music that is cool or cold or hot, composers who speak eloquently or trip over their own thinking, people who are quirky or sparkling or dull and whose music ranges from sonic big-eyed-kids-n-clowns-on-black-velvet through the Ockeghems of our time. Composers who are alive & live or unedited live-on-tape, with no second chances or politically correct rewrites. No cream of an afternoon's interview skimmed for satellite, but just the tumbling forward -- or the uncomfortable pauses -- of an afternoon visit.

In the process, we often embarrass the NonPop community (once called the 'new music' community). You won't see us mentioned in print very often (save for local press and the even-perceptive Village Voice), despite having an audio archive of interviews that would take eight 40-hour weeks to hear. That's because we have opinions, hate fakery, love credibility, and don't mind if composers weave a verbal rope for their own hanging. We also do the unthinkable in 'classical' music. We mix. We multitrack. We interrupt, dovetail, cut off, laugh, sneer, enthuse, or hoot.. We don't justify with pop similes or Mozartean parallels. And it doesn't matter if the composer is already famous, or we help in the discovery. The music just better not suck.

Sometimes it's stupid, we're stupid, because we play on the same field as our guests. We're composers, but that's not what we mean by playing on the same field. We don't script the show, nor prepare questions in advance, so no one knows what's coming next, not us, not the guest. Our guest composers are welcome to show us up as louts or compadres. Yes, we prepare material carefully for each show, but we also improvise it on a theme, a Glass Bead Game of 120 minutes length. It's a soirée or a matinée or just a kick-back in the locker room.

We also have personal standards that make our show unexpected. We know what we like, sure, but we'll play anything that's well made or interesting or even dull if there's a story to tell. K&D won't let you down, even if it makes you angry or stunned or shuffle-footed red-faced at our awkwardness.

Ultimately, you'll hear music available nowhere else, and hear from the composers themselves.


K&D Ought-One Festival

The Incredible Ought-One Festival of New Music took place in Montpelier, Vermont, on August 25-26, 2001. With the encouragement of board member Phil Kline, the 2001 festival of music created by and presented by as many Kalvos & Damian guests as could be packed into Vermont for a week -- more than 100 from four continents. With all the incredible advice, ideas, support, help, funding, it was a weekend of incredible & insane music in lovely Vermont.

The featured guest was Clarence Barlow, without whom, in the threads that make up life, K&D would never have happened. We presented a new work from Clarence, about which we're very proud.

So head for the Ought-One Festival page, jump to see what's happened at the festival, or take a peek at the 100 or so composers and performers who were there.

And, of course, there's the remarkable Village Voice review ... plus Robert Bonotto's Festival drawings, Don Corson's Zope Site for Photos & Media, and where you can buy t-shirts, recordings, and souvenirs.

The Festival was made possible by generous contributions from Matthew Fields, Northfield Savings Bank, Carson Cooman, David Drucker, Trans-Video.Net, Charlie Messing, Jean Piché, Erling Wold, Jeff Harrington, Alfredo Santos, Anonymous EM, P. Kellach Waddle, Steve Rathe, Activist Music, David Baird, Dean Dierschow, Daron Hagen, Tom Hamilton, Beata Moon, Tim Thompson, Jeana Malachowski, Linda Catlin Smith, Anthony Cornicello, Juliet Kiri Palmer, Jacques Bailhé, Larry Austin, Don Corson, Susan Bettmann, Belinda Reynolds, Patricia Goodson, Dave & Sue Poitras, Mike Swinchoski, John Kennedy, ASCAP, William Pfaff, Emily Doolittle, Robert Bonotto, Tom Duff, Ian Chuprun, Argosy Foundation, Steve Layton, Kathy Supové, Randy Woolf, Moshe Budmor, Erik Nielsen, Carlos Haase, Frog Peak Music, Mark Gibbons, Greg Hall, Patrick Grant, Richard DeCosta, Robert D. Polansky (matched by HMCo.), Josephine M. Maggio, Martin Schiff, Joseph Benzola, Susan Lyon, Brad Smith, David Dramm, Anne LaBerge, Laurie Hollander, Eleanor Dimoff, Aggie Birdsong Smee, Antonio Celaya, Timothy Nelson, Gary Barwin, Kawai Shigeru Piano Company, Randy Hostetler Living Room Music Fund, Jenny Undercofler, Christopher Penrose, and the Vermont League of Cities and Towns.


A Guide to Kalvos & Damian

Kalvos & Damian is a broadcast/cybercast of new music and interviews, with audio archives, essays, presentations, and composer resources. We host guests and play interesting new music. But our goal is to do more than just entertain ... we provide musical and personal insight from our many guest composers and even ourselves. We two host composers, Dennis Báthory-Kitsz and David Gunn, provide extensive on-line support for research into the latest compositions and ideas, work with educational groups to provide on-line mentoring for students with important composers from around the world, and keep a good sense of humor.

Browse our site and read our funding report, and the previous funding report and its supplement, which detail our projects and budget. A new report for 2001 (including the Ought-One Festival budget) will be out shortly. In the meantime, please help support us.

Associated sites:

Celebrate as we begin 7 years on line September 22

We are granddaddies of tech. We can't believe it. Our local summer replacement show has turned into an Internet radio geezer. On September 16, 2001, Kalvos & Damian began its seventh year on line with audio, having begun in the fall of 1995 (without streaming yet, just audio clips) after four months as a local new music radio show. It was an experiment. We used scratchy RealAudio 1.0 -- some of those clips are still up there somewhere -- and small images, and had severely limited server space. We're still severely limited, these days by our budget , but we can look back at six years of webness and jumpin' in on the seventh with a measure of surprise that we were there with new music way back then at the beginning of Web audio.


K&D Wins ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award!

Who, us? We thought it was a joke, getting a call from ASCAP that we were the winners of the Year 2000 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award. But it was true, Lincoln Center snacks and all. Yup, there we were. ASCAP -- the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers -- honored the winners of the 33rd annual ASCAP-Deems Taylor Awards for outstanding print, broadcast and Internet coverage of music. The winners were presented at a special reception hosted by ASCAP President and Chairman Marilyn Bergman at Lincoln Center's Stanley Kaplan Penthouse in New York City. And we even gave a cool presentation. If you want to download it, here it is: Download the Presentation, less the Cabot cheddar cheese that came with the original CD.


Guests 160 -- Visitors near 310,000

As we mentioned above, on September 16, Kalvos & Damian began its seventh year of presenting new music on line. Many composers were heard on the air the first time as K&D guests, and most of the K&D guest composers were heard on the net for the first time right here. We have played nearly 6,000 pieces of music and interviewed 160 guest composers (some still to broadcast).

Shortly, Kalvos & Damian will welcome our 310,000th visitor to this site. In April 1996 we installed our Honest Abe Web Counter. Though Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar contains nearly 1,000 web pages and 5,000 separate files, visitors are only counted once (or when their browser cache is emptied). We may not gather a million visits a day like CNN, but we're grateful to the third of a million of you for visiting us in the past six years.

We also hope you'll tell others about us. The best part of our work is knowing that people across the globe listen to new music streamed and archived here. Composers, publishers, and record labels have generously permitted us to maintain these archives -- so if you listen, also consider purchasing CDs of the music. Sometimes you can't (K&D plays lots of music on private recordings from the composers), but in that case, a friendly email to us or them would be welcome.

And don't forget to contribute to and come to the Ought-One Festival ... you can contribute electronically right now using PayPal or go to our funding page and send us a check. Thank you!


Board of Advisors keeps us sane!

Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar established its Board of Advisors in September 1998. The Board -- all of them composers -- provides assistance and suggestions in matters of funding, publicity, and distribution, offers suggestions on composers to interview and cities to visit for interviews, and helps with problems. Our board consists of composers and active listeners to new music.

Board of Advisors


Reminder of our Saturday cybercasts

The K&D weekly live cybercast has become a very popular feature, sometimes running our server to its limits. Here's a reminder of when to listen in for the live show -- when you can also call in (no in-studio email yet) with your comments:

Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar is live on-line every Saturday from 2:30 to 4:30 pm Eastern Time with this link (which also cybercasts WGDR-FM during its normal 18-hour broadcast day). This link will always be available from K&D's home page. We use RealAudio, which gets good audio streams to most users. You can obtain a RealAudio player for your system either from our download page or from Real Networks -- our downloads are in an older format that should reach everyone. By the way, if you like the mp3 "sound", also check out the WGDR-FM home page for a link to the ShoutCast stream.


Our archived shows are your greatest resource

Listenership continues strong for K&D's archived programs. The main body of archived music and interviews come down the Internet "pipe" courtesy of Goddard College. You can see an index of these archives at our shows page.

There are well over 200 shows now. Here are some of the interviews programs you can hear:

Alex Abele, Charles Amirkhanian, Beth Anderson, John Appleton, Martin Arnold, Michael Arnowitt, Jacques Bailhé, Clarence Barlow, Gary Barwin, Dennis Báthory-Kitsz, Marc Battier, Olexandra Beck, Anita Beckmann, Eve Beglarian, David Behrman, Barbara Benary, Joseph Benzola, Henning Berg, Susan Bettmann, Peter Beyls, James Bohn, Gilles Yves Bonneau, Craig Bove, Boudewijn Buckinx, Warren Burt, Canary Burton, Claudio Calmens, Allison Cameron, Joseph Celli, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, David Cleary, Nicolas Collins, Moniek Darge, Dennis Darrah, Maria de Alvear, Guy de Bièvre, David Del Tredici, Jody Diamond, Nick Didkovsky, Kui Dong, Emily Doolittle (coming later in 2001), David Dramm, Robert Duckworth, Arpad Elo, Matthew H. Fields, Howard Jonathan Fredrics, Michael Frengel, Kyle Gann, Peter Garland, Doug Geers, Mark Gibbons, David Gibson, Bill Gilliam, Stephen Gryc, David Gunn, Daron Hagen, Gregory Hall, Tom Hamilton, Jeff Harrington, William Harris, Christos Hatzis, Zeke Hecker, David Heuser, Dietmar Hippler, Fred Ho, Brenda Hutchinson, Don Jamison, Udo Kasemets, Rip Keller, Carson Kievman, Phil Kline, Chris Koenigsberg, David Kraus, Drew Krause, Johan van Kreij, Yannis Kyriakides, Anne La Berge, Margaret Lancaster, Vanessa Lann, Elodie Lauten, Mary Jane Leach, John Levin, Anton Lukoszevieze, Eric Lyon, Peggy Madden, Masahiro Miwa, Benedict Mason, Thomas Massella, John McGuire, Elma Miller, Scott L. Miller, Martha Mooke, Keith Moore, Dennis Murphy, N.N. und Ähnliche Elemente, Erik Nielsen, Mary Oliver, Pauline Oliveros, John Oswald, Martijn Padding (coming later in 2001), Stephen Parkinson, Sarah Peebles, Troy Peters, Bea Phillips, Huk Don Phun, Robert H.P. Platz, Larry Polansky, Robert D. Polansky, André Posman, Eliane Radigue, Godfried-Willem Raes, Thomas L. Read, Douglas Repetto, Johnny Reinhard, Belinda Reynolds, Mary Lee Roberts, Frederic Rzewski, Kaija Saariaho, Michael Sahl, Eric Salzman, Arthur Sauer, Phillip Silver, Linda Catlin Smith, Stephen Smith, David W. Solomons, Ann Southam, Laurie Spiegel, Rick St. Clair, David Stevens, Don Stewart, Carl Stone, Peter Tavalin, James Tenney, George Todd, Richard Tolenaar, Michael Torke, Bill Trimble, Calliope Tsoupaki, Scott MX Turner, Peter Van Riper, Martijn Voorvelt, Samuel Vriezen, Gwyneth Walker, Daniel Weymouth, and an original student opera.

There are special show topics without guests, too: A September 11 Tragedy tribute, atonality, funny music, marches, electronic music, piano and string quartets, music of the 1980s, "tune tech", Vermont Composers Festival, the odd "wimmintune" in two parts, David Tudor homage, "A Cheap History of Time", homage to Iannis Xenakis, "A Cheap History of Computers in Music", contraptionology, Low Countries Preview, unique instrumentation, New York composers, "ears over easy", music of war & stress, dance music, unusual combos, recent classics, rhythmic music, music for voices, Our Golden Age, music for winds, renting orchestras, celebrations of Anton Webern, John Cage, Conlon Nancarrow and Harry Partch, choruses, a two-week Electroacoustic Music Week special, political music, the annual Golden Bruce awards, an impeachment festival of marches and dances, and a special 8-part Composers' Wisdom Series.

The complete list of these shows if found at our KalvoNet page, and the new shows are always announced on the K&D homepage.

We have addressed most issues presented by changes in U.S. law (the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) which we talked about in the last newsletter. The most stringent restrictions are now in effect, and lawsuits are in progress everywhere, but K&D has made an acceptable case to publishers and record labels, and they are happy with our presence on line. We are still seeking pro-bono legal counsel as these issues continue. Please contact us if you can offer that.

We would like to commend BUMA, the Dutch licensing agency, for being the first in the world to freely license medium-fidelity streaming audio of their composers' music. That's the kind of progress we believe in. We'll keep you updated, and in the meantime, be sure to keep listening.


How you can help!

We have several important projects that need hands and funds. Here they are:


Our applications to the Freeman Foundation, Copland Foundation, corporations, and others have all been turned down. What we do here at K&D still apparently doesn't make sense to the institutional world. Kalvos & Damian believes in accessibility for all, but our volunteer project needs transcribers to turn the composer interviews into text. Each interview lasts between 30 and 60 minutes of actual speech, and all are clear. If you want to help and are familiar with musical terms, please contact us and we'll provide you with interviews to transcribe. In the good news department, we may have a student intern to help us this year.


Our Music Resources for Composers and Music Resources by Composers are suffering from serious neglect. When we began this project in 1995, we could barely find a hundred resources for and by composers. Now there are thousands -- dozens of new ones every week -- and we're unable to keep up. Our composer references were updated in July 1999, but some of our resource links are nearly two years old. Volunteers are needed to make these pages useful again. Please click here and see if you can rustle us up some help! Again, we may have a student intern to help, but HTML hand-coders are required for this.

It's a great disappointment for us to fall behind with this, since K&D was the definitive site for new music links for the first three years of its existence. We have been graced by research from composers David Robert Stewart and Prof. William Harris, who helped us refresh the 2,000-link resource collection a year ago, but we're months and months behind schedule on our latest updates. With current update submissions, more than half the resource list will be entirely new within the next few months.

Are you available to research a few pages and update links? Do you have students looking for some research work? Please check our resource pages to see what we need, and then please contact us.

Legal Counsel

As we mentioned above, there are changes in U.S. law (the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) which are making our project time-consuming if not occasionally difficult. The law's most stringent restrictions are now in effect, and lawsuits are in progress everywhere, such as that still underway between the record labels and K&D has amicably settled a cease-and-desist order already (part of a blanket order to all websites with audio), but nevertheless, we are seeking pro-bono legal counsel for copyright issues. We have always obtained licenses we need, but a peculiar retroactive provision in the law with respect to archiving our broadcast material has given us a struggle. Please contact us if you can offer help.


If you are a teacher needing composers to speak with, we can put you in touch. But we also need a coordinator for our Composer Mentoring Project, which has been dormant for over a year. If you want to help re-activate this unique program, please contact us.


Our project is presently 85% funded by the two hosts, Dennis Báthory-Kitsz and David Gunn. This amounts to nearly $36,000. So please see our request below, contact us with your contribution, or simply use PayPal.


Funds very much needed

Our thanks to the contributors to and regular supporters of K&D. Broadcast/Cybercast and Website are Sponsored by WGDR-FM 91.1 Community Radio, Malted/Media Productions, Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, Goddard College, and the Vermont Composers Consortium ...with additional financial support provided by these individuals... Alex Abele, Eve Beglarian, Joseph Benzola, John Blinn, James Bohn, Robert Bonotto, Canary Burton, Dean Dierschow*, Kui Dong, David Drexler, Tom Duff, Matthew H. Fields*, Richard Fredette, Patricia Goodson, James Grant, Patrick Grant, Steve Gryc, Greg Hall, Jeff Harrington, Rip Keller, John Levin*, Jeanna Malachowski, Sarah Peebles*, William Rhoads, Aggie Birdsong Smee*, Brad Smith, Rand Steiger, Carl Stone, Jenny Undercofler these organizations... Argentum Fugit Farm, ASCAP, Cabot Creamery, Carl Fischer Inc., DoDaDa Idea Company, Quality Software Solutions, Northfield Savings Bank*, well as by... Anonymous Individual and Business Contributors ...and by a major gift from... The Argosy Foundation ...please join them. Email Contact Form or click the PayPal icon below.
*Continuing support

Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar did not benefit from the economy of IPO's and on-line trading, and is taking a harder hit now. Our fiscal agent is the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, a 501(c)3 organization, so gifts to K&D are tax-deductible to the extent allowed. We are not presently funded by government or corporate grants -- our most recent grant application to a major music funding source was turned down in January 2000 -- and only private contributions let the program continue, along with facilities generously provided by WGDR-FM and Goddard College. You are invited to read our 2000 report to contributors as well as the older 1998 report and 1999 supplement (PDF documents).

Please offer your support. For more information, contact us by email, just write out your check to "Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar" and send it to us at 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA, or send a micro- or macro-payment via PayPal. Gifts of DATs, blank CD-Rs, Zip disks, a nice pair of headphones, and other supplies -- as well as help with research and maintenance, and perhaps a nice PC-based Dreamweaver package or music database system (we do this site by hand right now) -- are also welcome.

Another excellent way of supporting K&D indirectly is to use the services offered by the hosts, David Gunn and Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: We accept commissions for music, and provide writing and editing via The Transitive Empire, or Web site accessibility evaluations such as this one from OrbitAccess.


News for Guest Composers

Do you want to return as a guest?

Our schedule is fairly well boxed in for the coming months, but Winter 2001-2002 is now open (weaving in between Ought-One Festival concert tapes). However, we always keep open shows for guests to visit us again. If you're in the area, we welcome you to schedule an appearance.

We had hoped to be broadcasting tapes from a Montréal visit by now, but we haven't raised the funding for this travel, and so it has been delayed for well over two years. We trekked to Amsterdam, Brussels and Ghent in March and had a wonderful time.

If you would like to return as a guest on Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar (or if you haven't appeared at all!), we'd love to have you on the show. Remember that this is real radio with knobs and buttons as well as a cybercast. Funny. Last year we emphasized the cybercast part, but now everybody's doin' bitcasts. But old-fashioned broadcast radio, doggone, we got that too!

The odd part: Not all our guests become aware of how K&D works, even after they ask to be on the show. We have fun, we zone out on academia, and we let guests, um, talk themselves into a corner. So for a chuckle on what not to do if you come to K&D, read Kalvos's real-life chronicle, How Not to Prepare for a K&D Guest Appearance, where names have been changed to protect the innocent.

To be a guest, please contact us by email, phone, or post -- and find out about our show and site first!


Do you have new recordings?

Sending Recordings

We repeat this message in every newsletter, so bear with us -- most of the content is the same, but some important changes pop up every time.

Whenever you have new recordings (especially good-quality concert recordings) be sure to forward us a copy. We can't play everything (or even most everything, with all the wonderful new releases) but we want to keep our guests in our audience's ears, and we love to present unique live recordings. We also scan the covers of your recordings, and add the images to your web page (see below). If you have a record label, please ask them to send us copies. Forward your latest recordings directly to Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar, 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA.

Important: Do not send recordings to WGDR. They will not reach K&D, as we are independently produced. Some of your record labels are still doing this!


With your recordings, please include a note giving us permission to include your music as part of our cybercast archives. All of you have been enthusiastic about this in the past, but new legislation is complicating our lives. This once was a pre-emptive request "just in case", but now we really need it: We hate to deal in legal issues, but lawsuits under the new Digital Millennium Copyright Act collar everyone into the Digital Witch Trials. Despite our non-profit and research status, our cybercast licenses, and our very purpose, we are targeted in blanket cease-and-desist orders. We no longer broadcast music that cannot be archived, so please grant us permission to archive, and note that may be withdrawn at your request. Below is the agreement created by our friend Joseph Celli at oodiscs:

Agreement between [Composer, Label] and Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar ("K&D"), a broadcast program, Internet cybercast, and Web site sound archive.

[Composer, Label] hereby certifies that all audio files placed on-line as part of the K&D Web site, and on servers managed by K&D creators, are made available to the public with the expressed permission of the publishers of the compositions and the actual recorded work, and that all royalties or waiver of royalty have been cleared with the artists or their representatives by [Composer, Label]. No funds for the use of samples of these recordings are required as long as no sales of transactions of a monetary or substantial nature occur.

[Composer, Label] further agrees to take full legal responsibility for any problems that may arise with publishers, artists or their representatives (including but not limited to organizations like ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etc).


Are you prolific? Please don't overwhelm us. Send us one or two good CDs of your work. One guy (you know who you are!) sent us eight CDs, and we hardly know where to start. When was the last time you listened to eight CDs by another composer? Yah.

Make listening easy on us! Then you'll get played more often ... well, write great music first, but you know what we mean. When you submit recordings, try to give us a hand by using the guidelines below. First, label, label, label! Then...

Guidelines for Submitting Recordings

  • CDs: CDs are the best. But please don't make your CD info obscure. Include a separate contents list, cue sheet, and information page in the jewel box. Playlists depend on it, sales of your CD depend on it, and our good will depends on it. We just hate to say on the air, "This cool CD came in. We don't know who it's from or what it is or what tracks it has, but here's something from it." (Are you listening Ohm/Avatar, RRRecords, Zenflesh...?) An informative spine label also helps. Note of environmental regret: Paper cases without spine labels end up getting missed. Ask your record label to make the back end thick enough to read, and then print something there! If you want to send thin paper, that's fine. We'll cut it up and put in in a jewel case. From a practical standpoint, we still like jewel cases best.

  • CD-Rs: CD-Rs are also great. Yikes! Please no stick-on file-folder labels -- they rip the reflective layer and get stuck in our players (angry station managers follow). A label from an inkjet printer must be really dry; when wet labels dry in place, they can bend the CD so that it won't play ... embarrassing for you, infuriating for us on a live show. In fact, skip stick-on labels and write clearly on the inner ring only. Include a separate title/timings list on the front label and tray card, and put your name and recording/composition title on the tray card spine so we can read 'em when we're choosing music for a show. We see your name ... we like your music ... airplay!

  • Minidiscs: Same advice as for CD-Rs -- label the minidisc, case and spine with your name and the music, and include timings separately -- we know the timings are on the disc's index, but that doesn't help when we're looking for the perfect 5-minute-22-second piece to end our show. And take advantage of the minidisc's ability to add track information for display.

  • DATs: You knew we'd say it: label the DAT and the j-card. Include your name, titles, index numbers, and a timings list on the j-card as well. Use index marks, please! No index marks, no airplay. A 1-kHz tone at or before index #1 is nice but not necessary. We can play 32, 44.1 and 48kHz DATs just fine.

  • Vinyl: Still cool! Make sure there are timings, and if there aren't, please time the tracks and write them on the jacket. Pack it well. Artsy types and Negativland or Furious Pig lapdogs, remember to tell us what speed to play the platter!

  • Cassettes: Nyunnnnnnnnnnghhhhh... we don't like them. If cassette is your only medium, please, please, please (did we say please?) put only one piece per side, label it with your name and the music's title, include timings, use noise reduction if you can (Dolby B or C, and label which one you're using), and use a fresh, high-quality cassette, not a Wal-Mart special that will drop its felt pad into our tape player. We're reluctant to broadcast anything but the coolest music from cassettes. One piece per side! Reminder: One piece per side. Did we say One piece per....

  • Reels and older media: No. Unless your name is Bartók or Stockhausen, we won't likely dig out the reel-to-reel or Beta or VHS or 8-track (yes, we have one tucked away) equipment to make transfers. If you have a one-of-a-kind rare item (which you shouldn't be sending us anyway, silly person!), contact us to talk about it.

  • Internet formats: Yes. We have a computer hooked to our broadcast board.You can prepare some good-quality MP3 files (preferred format; use 128K or higher), Windows Media Format, Real Audio ISDN stereo (no Mac formats, please, and no QuickTime), and you can even FTP them to us at, saving postage and atoms! Bytes yes! Atoms no! (Notify us by email of the name, contents, and timings of your uploads.)

  • New media: We're not yet set up for DVD, but we now have a CD-ROM player at the broadcast board. (Note: Our broadcast-board computer is a slow P166 Windows PC. We can read Mac files at home, but not in the studio.)


Are your web pages current?

Many of you started actively using your K&D web pages, and others of you have discovered the joys of your own personal web pages. The latter seems to be the case now, and we're losing some of your active submissions (and, sniff, interest).

So here's what we're gonna do.

  • For those of you "leaving" your K&D home for fresh Internet real estate, we'll be creating a graphic that indicates your page has become an archive page. A link will be added to your new page, and your K&D page will be frozen at its final update.
  • For those of you whose pages continue to change on K&D (either uniquely or parallel to your own pages), we'd love to have updated photos, music clips, catalogs, bios, and correct email addresses, phone numbers, and alternate homepage links.

We actively submit pages to searchers, so fresh information is important -- including where you've moved, so the spiders will scurry your way. We try to update pages monthly, so please keep us informed. You can send us your text as an email, and you can send us photos and music clips as email attachments -- or through postal mail. For any submissions it's best to use our FTP directory at

We can use brief video clips (under 1 MB) on your pages as well. Some of what we use is listed below. Note: Email us if you use FTP so we can retrieve the files!

If we haven't yet updated your page, please remind us. We've just caught up again, but it's been a very busy summer. Updates were slow this spring as we completed our own major artistic projects -- we both had orchestral premieres. We're going into other projects now, but over the next month we'll update the missing pieces.

If you send us computer media, you may send us PC- or Mac-formatted diskettes, Zip disks or CDs. Good preparation helps all around:

  • Text: Please send us plain text via email to Contact Form or using ASCII transfer to -- no curly quotes, em dashes, or tabs.
    • Sorry to repeat this mantra, but please do not send text in word processor formats like MSWord, Claris, etc., Acrobat, or even HTML (oh, heck, we're fussy about it), unless your document contains special characters formulas, etc., that can't be reproduced any other way; then MSWord6, RTF, Acrobat PDF, or valid, handicapped-accessible HTML are acceptable formats.
    • You may download and update your own page but do not in any way change the existing HTML formatting, and be sure to use ASCII transfer for download/upload of the HTML. Don't add any carriage returns or word wraps.
    • We can but don't want to scan text. We can scan clearly printed or typed text, but scanning and editing (especially stuff like catalog listings or discographies) is time-consuming and goes to the bottom of our pile! Electronic is better! Bytes yes! Atoms no!

  • Audio clips: We would love for you to send us your music, commentaries, audio art, etc., ready to go.
    • You can send us audio goodies in RealAudio (versions 3 through 8) (.ra, .rm) for 28.8 mono or stereo as email attachments, but preferably via binary transfer to You can also send diskettes, Zip disks, or CD-Rs, or point us to a website or ftp site where we can obtain them.
    • You can send uncompressed files for us to convert (.wav, .aiff, .au) on diskettes, Zip disks, CD-Rs, or via binary transfer to You can also send CDs, DATs, etc., and we will convert them, but please read our recordings guidelines first. What applies there applies to this as well.
    • We now support .mp3 files (MPEG-1, Layer 3). These files consume space, and space is still at a premium, so send only your best few minutes of material for posting in .mp3 format (128K stereo only) -- via floppy, Zip disk, CD-R or binary transfer to, or from a website or ftp site where we can obtain them. Even better, send us the link to your mp3 site!
    • On K&D, we are no longer supporting uncompressed formats, nor MPEG .mp2 nor TrueSpeech .tsp, except by request. For the moment, we're leaving existing files, but they should be down before the end of 2000.
    • Please no Shockwave formats at this time.

  • Midi clips: These are good for demos, and usually very compact. Since our audio clip space is always limited, consider sending us Midi occasionally.
    • We'll take any and all Midi by email or binary transfer to, or you can point us to a website or ftp site where we can grab them; don't bother sending us floppies or Zips of these, since they're so small. And General Midi format is recommended, cuz ya nevah know.
    • Please no Beatnik or Super Conductor formats at this time.

  • Video clips: We don't have facilities to convert video for you, so we'll just post what you send if we have the space.
    • Send RealVideo (.rm), QuickTime (.mov), or Intel (.avi) on Zip disk or CD-R, or via binary transfer to You can also point us to a website or ftp site and we'll get them from there if they're available in downloadable form. Try to hold them to 1MB or so, and realize that we cannot preview QuickTime. Yes, we know there's a Windows QT player, but its behavior is aggressive and we'll keep our own machines clean of it until Apple makes it configurable.
    • Please, no Shockwave formats at this time.

  • Photos:
    • We prefer candid shots rather than publicity photos. Artsy stuff is fine.
    • Send JPEG (depending on your software: moderate, good, #7, standard, or 55% to 65% compression) as email attachments or via binary transfer to, or you can point us to a website or ftp site to download them.
    • Send .bmp, .tiff, .pcx, .psd and other uncompressed formats only on diskettes or Zip disks or via binary transfer to -- no email please. Pointing us to a website or ftp site is fine; we'll download them. You can send us photos as well (no slides) and we will scan them.
    • Do not send PhotoCD, Konica, or other camera-centric formats, nor vector PICTs. We can't read any of them. If unsure ... send JPEG.

  • Graphics:
    • Unless they're small and crisp graphics (not photos or scans), please do not send .gif files. Give us the best quality uncompressed file you can, and we'll make it right for our visitors. We can convert from your bitmapped version (.bmp, .jpg, .tiff, .psd, etc.) or scan your original graphic, and will usually choose JPEG format so pages download quickly for all visitors.

  • Scores: We enjoy including scores on your K&D pages. For an example of how Kalvos does it, see his scores page.
    • You can send us any format, but these days, Adobe Acrobat files are best. If you can't produce those, send us a PostScript file (.ps, not .eps) -- include any special fonts by selecting the "archive" or "portable" format and checking the "include fonts" box -- and we'll convert it to .pdf format. Send the PostScript file on diskettes or Zip disks or via ASCII transfer to, or let us download from your website or ftp site -- no email, please. (If you don't know how to produce PostScript on your PC, contact us.)
    • We also welcome files from specific music engraving programs, if you prefer -- a file in Finale .etf or Music Press .gmp format, for example, will let performers extract their own parts. Again, use diskettes, Zip disks, or (depending on the format) ASCII or binary transfer to We can download from an existing website or ftp site if you tell us where it is.
    • At this time, please do not send Scorch or any scores that require a plug-in other than Acrobat. We are considering the free Finale plug-in, but the Sibelius approach as we understand it troubles us.


How about those K&D station IDs?

We look forward to our guest composers' creation of 10-second K&D station IDs. We now have 45 very kewl spots. We love these IDs! Please do a few for us!

The ID would consist of your greeting, such as...
  • "Hi, I'm [your name]", or
  • "Greetings, this is [your name]" or
  • "It's a beautiful day to be [your name]" or
  • "I'm [your name] and don't touch that dial!"
...followed by a phrase that ends with...
  • "You're listening to Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar -- your Red Alert for New Music!"
  • "You're listening to Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar -- NonPop, NonStop" or All NonPop, All the Time

Record the message in your native language (or any other language, if you like!), and using whatever audio techniques or special effects you'd like. You can mail us a recording to 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA, FTP us an uncompressed or .mp3 file via binary transfer to or email us a .mp3 file (please don't email uncompressed files) to Contact Form.

Do you know one of our email-free guests? Please ask them to contribute an ID -- or give us their email address if you know it. Those whose email we don't have are Eliane Radigue, Shane Rooks, Barbara Wellspring, Dennis Murphy, Glenn Sproul, Craig Bove, Olex Beck, Mary Oliver, and Henning Berg.

We would love it if every guest recorded a station ID for us! Many thanks -- we've been having great fun with this.


Do you have audio art for broadcast?

We would broadcast more of your audio art -- essay, collage, composition, or other unique use of the audio medium -- if we could get it! Come on, just about anything creative you'd like to send in -- up to about 15 minutes in length -- will be featured, and also added to your web page. For audio art, we would appreciate the material on CD-R, DAT or MiniDisc, but for this project, high-quality cassettes or MP3s can also be used.

First read our recordings submission guidelines, then send material to us at 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA or upload it to our FTP site at


Have you made cool scripts or applets?

With our new server, we have breathing room. Some of you have made musical scripts or applets to run over the Web, and we would be pleased to have them served from the K&D site, or we can link to your existing applet. So if you have Javascript or Java applets that would delight visitors, send them along ... we can't include cgi or applications that need to be run using server features, but other items are welcome for us to try.

Email your applet or link, with instructions (and a demo, if necessary) to add to your web page, to Contact Form, or use our FTP site via ASCII (for scripts) or binary (for compiled applets) transfer to site. Source code is welcome for posting if you'd like to share it.


Do you have essays, commentaries, word art?

The commentaries and essays on the K&D pages are many and varied, and generate considerable public response. Send along some of your writings and we'll attach them to your web page suite -- and make sure they're found by searchers. One essay received over 900 visits one week, apparently the result of a university assignment; the composer was pleased.

Email a text copy (read the guidelines) to Contact Form, and include any illustrations, diagrams, etc., in JPEG, TIFF or GIF format. You can also FTP ( the materials using ASCII transfer. If you have no electronic version of the goodies, mail a crisp copy on white paper to us at 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA -- we'll convert them and get them posted when we have time.


Web discussion board: Do you want it? Last call!

We have set up a web discussion board off-site at Malted/Media at the request of several composers. We're using it to discuss the Ought-One Festival followup and the September 11 tragedy, but you can jump in with your own topics.


Why don't we play your music more often?

We have limited air time and budget, so choices are made for our convenience; we apologize but hope you can understand. The two composer/hosts Kalvos and Damian choose the music, write the commentaries, conduct the interviews, edit the tapes, do our own engineering right down to WGDR's transmitter logs, prepare post-show RealAudio conversions and perform website maintenance.

So we've set up guidelines. Selections most likely to be played are great compositions (...had to say that!...), under 15 minutes in length, and recorded on a clearly indexed medium, including CD, CD-R, Minidisc, and vinyl. We understand that it's too much to ask that every composer make copies of music on CD, but all other issues being equal, keep in mind that we'll grab a CD before any other format. Remember, we love to play stuff. So please follow these format guidelines to keep us enthused!


Did you make big bucks in an IPO (or make more than you recently lost)?

Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar is costly for us. Unlike Artswire, American Music Center, etc., we do not ask that our composer guests be "members" or pay for their web pages. But we do need support, and several composers and fans of new music have been very generous. We thank them again here. K&D's fiscal agent is the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, a 501(c)3 organization, and gifts to K&D are tax-deductible in USA to the extent allowed.

We are not presently funded by government or corporate grants, and only private contributions let the program continue, along with facilities generously provided by WGDR-FM, Goddard College, and our own Malted/Media.

Please offer any support you can. For more information, contact us by email, or just write out your check to "Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar" and send it to us at 176 Cox Brook Road, Northfield, Vermont 05663 USA. Gifts of DATs, blank CD-Rs, Zip disks, some nice headphones, and other supplies -- as well as help with research and maintenance, and keeping your own K&D page fresh -- are also welcome.